Monday, July 20, 2009

View From The Asylum

This piece was inspired by the view from my studio on an icy February morning. I couldn't mix the colors fast enough once I saw the ice hanging from the branches of the peach tree outside my window.

One Long Ago Day

This piece was inspired by a very bad day,
a long time ago.
If you are a victim of rape, abuse, violence, or rage,
please don't stay silent.
Please get help.
You are worth it.

Sandia 1

For Dale.

This was my first landscape. Inspired by a print I purchased on a trip to Santa Fe.

Thunder clouds building over the Sandia mountains.


Flamingo In My Front Yard

Flamingo In My Front Yard was inspired by the actual bird, not the plastic variety. Even growing up in Florida I never had the honor of having this amazing creature light in my front yard, but I've always been facinated by their range of colors.


Koi Pond


Inspiring creatures
Shimmering and sparkling
just under the surface of the water...

Supernatural saturation of color
Dancing in the sunlight...



The spark that never gives up
when life is
the darkest ngiht,
the blackest dread,
the coldest frost.
The oppressive blight holds no power
over the shining golden wings of
indefatigable hope.


The colors
float and fade
with the changes
in depth.

Juice: The Study

Juice is a color study.
Juicey colours make me happy...

In Sarayu's Garden

Read The Shack by Paul Young

The Promise

The Promise of God's Love.

Electiric Sweet Dreams

Things You Can't Tell Just By Looking.

Half of the faces and most of the background glow in the dark.

Lesson: Look beyond the surface. Try to see others how God sees all of us.



Good Bye

Letting go of the things that eat away at your insides....

Vida Nica

A House
In a banana grove
with laundry on the line
on a road
outside Managua....


Aspirations and
beautiful day dreams
bubbling forth
from the dream factory.


My favortie
rice cracker
covered peanut
snack mix
with a few wasabi peas
thrown in
for good measure.

Rushing By: The Flamingo

Vegas 1
rushing by the
Flamingo Hotel
on a warm night
in March.

Winter Scene

Red Barn
Through the
Bare Trees
in the Falling Snow.
Look up at the sky.
Spin with arms open wide.
Breathe in the cold.
Be happy you're alive.

Rushing By: Over the Edge

Holding on to the side
Hot sun shining down
Feeling the spray
Tasting the salt
Wind tying hair into knots
Imagining the mermaids singing
as I lean over the edge.

Degrees of Joy

Life can be hectic
Chaos can be joyful
Happiness can be exhausting
Be present
Right smack-dab in the middle
of life.
all the degrees of Joy.

Spirit Lead

Vision in a prayer.
Some inspirations are
powerful enough
to write down imediately.
Some are even strong enough
to make it to the canvas.
This is one.

Peace Wall

Escudo do Mar

Ulster 1015BC


Blood oranges
and blood
a bit gruesome, admitted.
The things we humans
do to eachother.

For Cas

When Cas was five
He drew his people like this.
The three connecting figures in the top row
are the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Angels and people in Heaven surround The Trinity.
The rest are the people in his life, good and bad.
The people glow in the dark at night, watching over my angels as they sleep.

The Owl and The Oyster

How the Owl and the Oyster
were sharing a pie.....
Line from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll